Changing Paradigm:
Developing Innovative and Sustainable Health Systems for the 21st Century

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

Winston Churchill


The current situation with changing demographics and cutting in public spending has precipitated the need to redefine the European healthcare system to suit the needs and challenges of the 21st century. The need to reform Europe’s healthcare systems is something that has been discussed for a long time. New models, declarations and buzz words are continuously launched. Yet the discussion remains set within the existing systems and structures.

In the light of the changes that will be necessary for the coming decades the debates need to shift the paradigm. As Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the world Health Organisation states “All ministers are health ministers”. In order to address behaviour modification across the value chain, different approaches and thinking are needed.

The discussion at the EISRI Summit intended to pose the issue from a new perspective by bringing together leading thinkers from different backgrounds and interests to think about to create the necessary environment to be able to push through such an ambitious agenda. The roundtable encouraged “out of the box” thinking and rethinking on the current structures and interactions between the different stakeholders.

Reforming Europe’s healthcare systems changed the rules of the game for all stakeholders in a multi-billion euro sector, averaging in Europe nearly 10% spending of GDP on health, and that affects every single European citizen. This change needs to see researchers and experts, industry, civil society organisations, policy makers join forces and start an open dialogue with the public and media to push forward the necessary paradigm shift.

Presentation of Professor Elias Mossialos

Presentation of Professor Elias Mossialos


Open the complete presentation of Professor Elias Mossialos in a new window (.pdf)






Presentation of Professor Annette Grüters-Kieslich

Presentation of Professor Annette Grüters-Kieslich


Open the complete presentation of Professor Annette Grüters-Kieslich in a new window (.pdf)