Entrepreneurial Europe: Strengthening Innovation Systems for a more competitive Innovation Union

“There are two words that are closely related to innovation. There are entrepreneurship and economy. The connectivity between discovery and economy has never been more apparent than it is today”.

Prof. Philip A. Sharp, President of AAAS Institute Professor of MIT

Research and innovation play a pivotal role in the EU 2020 Strategy. The Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers of EU has put “growth and jobs” as the focus of their “Fresh Start” programme underlining that “research and innovation are the pillars of sustainable growth. The performance of Europe’s public and private research systems is a key driver for the competitiveness of European industry and for creating new jobs and technology-based entrepreneurship” .
In the light of recent economic theory that underline that non-linear views of innovation, aspects like education, innovation acceptance and strong horizontal networks are equally as important as spending for the development of competitive “systems of innovation”, the third edition of the EISRI Summit focuses on these aspects

This session looks at how Europe’s innovation system compares globally, assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the system as well as contribute to new thinking on what Europe can do concretely to promote stronger innovation networks. The session hears from global experts on innovation, representatives from industry and the media to look at both formal and informal actions that Europe should focus on in the coming years to become more competitive and innovative.

Presentation of Dr. Hossein Moiin

Presentation of Dr. Hossein Moiin


Open the complete presentation of Dr. Hossein Moiin in a new window (.pdf)